HaveIBeenPwned Checker

HaveIBeenPwned Checker by AstroGD
V 1.6.2
Letzter Release: 13.06.2022
The HaveIBeenPwned Checker offers the possibility to easily, quickly and securely check passwords against the database of HaveIBeenPwned . The password is converted into a hash and the first 5 letters of it are sent to HaveIBeenPwned. This is a very secure way to check the password, as it never leaves the computer. In addition, the source code is open source, meaning that it is publicly available and can be verified by anyone.
The HaveIBeenPwned Checker is available in both English and German and can be used on all Windows devices.
You can change the language of the software directly in the program after the first start.
To check your password, enter it in the field provided and press the Enter key.
HaveIBeenPwned Checker
Last release
German, English
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Hier können Sie die Sprache verändern
Hier sehen Sie das Ergebnis Ihrer Suche.
Wenn Sie auf dieses Symbol klicken starten Sie außerdem die Überprüfung Ihres Passworts.
Geben Sie hier Ihr Passwort ein und starten Sie die Suche mit einem Klick auf das Such-Symbol oder dem Drücken der Entertaste.
Hier können Sie das Programm minimieren, maximieren oder beenden
Do you need help?
Here you will find articles written for this software.
My password was found in the database - What now?
In this article you will find useful tips on what to do if your password has been found on HaveIBeenPwned. You will also find information on how to better protect your accounts.